Honoring our Veterans

In honor of our Shadow Brook Veterans for Veterans Day 

Henry Blankenheim – U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force 1960-1988 (active duty and reserves) Retired as Lieutenant Colonel in 1988 .  He served together with his identical twin brother Hans for a total of 29 years

Edward Bradley – U.S. Navy 1950- 1954 – (Korean War)

Dale Chapman – U.S. Army 1969-1971 – Technical Liaison Team Leader in the Defense Communications Planning Group and Electronic Engineer (Vietnam War)

Stephen Ferree – U.S. Air Force 1967-1971 – Air Intelligence (Vietnam War)

Dodie Gaines – U.S. Army 1967-1969 – 101st Airborne Division (Vietnam War)

Scott Kimmel – U.S. Navy 1986-1992 – Port Security Harbor Defense

Richard Kohl – U.S. Army 1964-1966 – Combat Engineers (Vietnam War)

KC Monroe – U.S. Marine 1953-1956 – Sargeant (Korean War)

Robert Murua – U.S. Marine Corp 2003-2007

Bill Reynolds — U.S. Naval Reserves 1963-1971

Robert A. Schulenberg – U. S. Air Force 1948-1952 – B29 Tail Gunner

Matt Tenczar – U.S. Air Force 1988-1993 (1st Gulf War) – AMMO Troup

Rose Whitefield* – U.S. Navy 1969-1993 CDR (Ret.) Navy Nurse Corps

Jim Zucchero – U.S. Air Force  1976-1980

Bob Zoller – U.S. Air Force 1956 – 1960 – Pilot

*More information about Retired Commander Rose Whitefield:

Fun fact #1: I was commissioned an officer in the US Navy while still a Canadian citizen. I painted my car, a ’64 VW Bug, like a Canadian flag: white with a big red maple leaf front and back. Because my car (Buggsy) had an officer decal on her front bumper, the enlisted personnel who manned the gates to all military installations had to salute my Canadian flag as I drove through the gate.:-) We had a lot of fun with that!

Fun Fact #2: LTCOL  Henry Blankenheim (Air Force-Ret.) and I retired at the same rank (three gold stripes on our sleeves), but Henry’s Date of Service is three months ahead of mine. So, if we were in uniform and met on the street, I’d be the one to initiate the salute since Henry is senior to me in rank.

She served our country almost five years on active duty at Oakland Regional Medical Center, then 19 years in the Navy Reserves, often providing medical support & training to Marine units. Lotsa interesting stories to tell! She used the GI bill to get both my bachelor and master’s degrees.

If we have missed any veterans please send their information to Splasher@nullShadowBrook.org and we will include them.

All of your neighbors and friends in Shadow Brook thank you for your service!